Saturday, March 15, 2014

Assessment for eLearning - Week 2

I felt a great deal of frustration this week. The instructions led me to believe that the artifacts for this course and the reflective posts should be in the same place. I struggled with adding static pages in Blogger, as it just seemed the wrong thing to do with a blog and I wanted to find a creative way to satisfy the requirements as I understood them. Whether I was reading too much into the instructions, or whether they are a little unclear, the lesson this has given me as a student is to ASK before wasting time, and as an instructor, be sure that the instructions are very clear and easy to follow. When most students encounter situations in which they do not know how to proceed, they shut down. As an instructor, it is very important that I avoid situations in which I close students out of the learning process, and it is something I have to be very cognizant of.

The readings about blogs helped me to solidify my thoughts about blogs, and also gave me other ways to use them beyond reflection and a place to publicly post work. Having student look at each other's work, as Renee pointed out, is a great way to encourage growth. I too learn by seeing the work and reading the reflections of my classmates. If nothing more, they show me ways I could improve my own work.

The discussion forum is hopping as usual, with so many classmates in this class, it is a bit overwhelming when one feels the need to read every single posting! I know it isn't a requirement, but I can't stop myself! Reading the ideas and understanding of my classmates helps me to generate new thoughts and ideas of my own.

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